Monday, October 08, 2007

complementarian challenge

Again, because he has no blog of his own, my friend Randy sent me this article by David Gushee challenging complementarians such as myself. Gushee is correct, many of us (regardless of the issue) focus so much on defending our position that we often fail to properly execute our position. In his article, Gushee asks four simple questions and to be honest, I fall short on some. The point is that if I really believe what I say, then my actions need some improvement.
1. Are you successfully communicating to young men the conviction that a complementarian perspective must elevate rather than diminish the dignity of women, and therefore inculcating a moral commitment on their part to act accordingly?

It has been my experience that a context of male leadership, and steady teaching that reinforces it, can sometimes lead young men to a rather boorish attitude toward the women in their midst. While perhaps church leaders are teaching a highly nuanced complementarian view stripped of classic male chauvinism, this is not always successfully transmitted to the next generation. Many young Christian women, and even some sensitive young men, come to associate the complementarian position with outright sexism and male chauvinism, and therefore reject it. How can you prevent this outcome?

2. Are you absolutely clear on which positions of Christian service (you believe) are barred to women?

Complementarians often seem to lack either consensus or precision related to this question. Is it only the senior pastor position that is banned for women? What about co-pastor or pastoral team arrangements? Is it all ordained positions? All positions in which adult men are taught? All ministerial positions? All paid positions? What about seminary or Christian college professors? In what fields?

Doctrinal precision requires clarity on your part about which positions are barred to women, with clear biblical warrants offered. Otherwise, what often remains is a kind of blanket discouragement for women to think of themselves as ministers, or to pursue ministry positions in the church. What can also occur is a wide variety of approaches, even within the same church, about what the Bible actually teaches concerning the role of women in the church.

3. Once you have determined what positions of Christian service are barred to women, you have therefore also determined which positions are permitted. Are you active in encouraging women to pursue the positions that are permitted?

It is possible to take very different approaches related to encouraging the use of women's gifts from within versions of the complementarian position. For example, in Catholicism women are barred from the priesthood, but in daily and weekly Catholic life they are otherwise highly visible in teaching, worship, committee work and local service.

Yet some complementarian settings seem to go out of their way to present an entirely male face to the world, all the way down to the ushers handing out the programs and the men taking up the offering. Is there really biblical warrant for excluding women from these and other roles? Are you aggressively looking for ways to affirm and make use of the gifts of women in all roles not barred by your understanding of Scripture?

4. When women occupy positions of church leadership that parallel those of men, are their positions named equally and are the individuals involved treated equally?

Many larger churches have internships for promising young men and sometimes also promising young women. Consider a church that has a female youth ministry intern and a male one. Are they paid the same? Is one called "youth ministry intern" and the other called "youth assistant"? Are they both actively apprenticed by older leaders? Are they given a similar mix of "ministry-type" and "non-ministry type" duties? Are they treated with similar respect for their contributions? In my experience, this is often not the case, with women interns treated more as office assistants than as ministry peers.

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  1. In a broad and general sense, it would be safe to say women occupy either a titled or non-titled position in the local assembly that they did not have in earlier years. There are two generalized reasons for this phenomenon:

    1. Because of transportation and a subtle and not so subtle embracement of the post Industrial Revolution cultural mindset, they have now been afforded a more expansive position of influence, both individually and collectively, in the local church and the church at large that was unfortunately kept from them until now. It continues to expand until it fits nicely into the doctrinal garment originally tailored by God.

    2. We have succombed to the powerful influences of the western culture.

    The third option is probably much more likely:

    3. A mixture of one and two with a disproportionat part taken from #2.

  2. rick says:
    The point is that if I really believe what I say, then my actions need some improvement

    the attorney for appollyon would respond:

    however, your failure to act out your convictions does not invalidate the truth of your conviction, it only casts doubt on whether they are truly yours...

    (in other words, it isn't really a good argument against complementarianism to say, "you don't really live it out", it's just a needed whack on the wrist.)

    good article though.
