Saturday, October 20, 2007

church sex

There's some banter on the blogsphere regarding churches and how they are approaching the topic of sex.

This church caught some heat about fliers they sent out entitled Red Hot Sex.

Another one did a mashup of the voice mail complaints they got over the fliers they sent out.

I'm not going to comment. I was a leader at a church that once proposed a full day workshop for married couples on the topic. The workshop was to include a one hour practical experience session - I didn't understand what the other 57 minutes was for.

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1 comment:

  1. interesting and admittedly a little amusing. I think the church has a real problem with sex, and I sometimes wonder about the wisdom of trying to pretend there is no such thing as sex in front of children and single people. If it's really a gift from God, then why all the secrecy?
