Friday, September 28, 2007


John MacArthur in The Pillars of Christian Character:
I've always respected those professional golfers who report some minor violation they commit during a tournament. If they mark their scorecard incorrectly or improperly move a boll on the course, they can be penalized one or more strokes. That kind of penalty often leads to a lower finish in the standings and costs them tens of thousands of dollars in prize money. but they listen to their conscience and are honest about it. It would be wonderful if God's people, especially His leaders, would always display such integrity and run the race according to the rules He has laid out.

Strong christians will heed the apostle Paul's words in 1 Cor 9.26-27: "So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified." That kind of self-discipline is a necessary part of spiritual athletics. We have to bring our bodies into subjection so our flesh, with its evil desires, does not dominate us and lead us into some sin that will divert us and others from the true goal of spiritual warfare. But when we honor the Lord Jesus Christ and focus on the eternal reward that awaits all who are faithful, that will bring out only our best efforts of spiritual service.

Now that's good stuff!!! The Christocentric life is our goal - all the junk going on around us serves only to derail. It time to claim the penalty stroke and get back into the focus of the game (or more true to Scripture, the race).

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