Tuesday, September 04, 2007

pope bans protestant blogs

Oh no ... it seems I am pressed in on all sides.

Pope Says Protestant Blogs are not "Real" Blogs

VATICAN CITY - Today the Pope took his agenda to an even further stage by declaring that Protestant blogs are not "real" blogs. In a move not even predicted by the body of Cardinals, the Pope released a statement to the press that reads, "The Mother Roman Church is the source of all truth and light in this world. Therefore, a blogger has to be affiliated with the Catholic faith in order to post anything truthful or of real substance. By definition, then, all Protestant blogs must not be real blogs. In fact, many of them are what we would call false blogs."

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  1. Blah, blah, blah.

    I turn to the pope and say,"Did you say something?"

  2. This is where I need to be careful. As I criticize TeamPyro's use of humor, I am also using it. That's why I like David Rudd's article. There is a time and a place and the person making the joke is typically the least qualified to determine that.

  3. In my estimation there is a vast difference between my 10 word sentence and a string of mean and malicious posters that go with scores of articles that mirror the same.

    Also the pope is a little more distant target than brothers and sisters who are asking questions. He is the head of a false church as well. (no posters coming!)

  4. To further illuminate my views concerning TP, if they had constructed one or two posters, and if they hadn't verbally derided certain men and views, and if the overall essence of their blog was different, then a little satire, even if not funny to all, could have been digested. I mean I'm no Puritan.

  5. Rick - I agree, there is a world of difference. I was saying "I" need to be careful. You were fine.

    I know myself and I can easily get caught up in humor and forget the person (people) on the other side.

    My wife reminds me regularly.

  6. By the way,I'm constructing a few posters deriding your photo and the stain glass ambiance of your blog. They are very mean spirited and are sure to ba a big hit to all the anti-Rick group whose numbers have grown disproportionately recently!

  7. I count it all joy ...
