Monday, September 10, 2007

humble orthodoxy

Justin Buzzard writes Why Orthodoxy isn't Enough.
I’m committed to humble orthodoxy because orthodoxy isn’t enough. Mere orthodoxy, mere correctness of doctrine, mere mental knowledge of biblical truth, isn’t enough to drive what I’m called to do as a man, husband, father, pastor, and missionary ...

Josh Harris in Humle Orthodoxy is my Target.

“Orthodoxy” is the a commitment to the teaching and application of the established, proven, and cherished truths of our faith—the most central of which is the message of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

But I want more than just my facts straight. I want a posture of heart that reflects the incredible nature of this message. I want to be humble. I want to humbly believe and live and represent the saving truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to live a life defined by humble orthodoxy.

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  1. Why is it that although I would agree with the orthodox crowd on the core of doctrinal truths I cannot abide caustic division? And then if I am not careful I can be drawn into caustic division with the cuastic dividers.

    Some would claim some compromise (whatever that means)and with that I am guilty, but to be like Christ is the call for us all.

    He must increase and I must decrease.

  2. Upon further reflection I find the word "orthodox" itself to be subjective and somewhat self righteous. Beside the fact that it is unbiblical, it lends itself to a "clique" mentality. Who measures "othodoxy" and what doctrines exclude you from being a member?

    Even the term "humble orthodxy" implies pride in our theology and an "extend an olive branch" to the poor "non-orthodox" people. I am just beginning to re-examine certain labels and their subtle undertones.

    Calvinism and Arminianism are words that represent certain positions, but "orthodox" implies truth, accepted and established truth, and it has an element of pride in it. Isn't it amazing how we can use words that seem innocuous but upon further review they look like the clandestine Trojan Horse of self righteousness.

    Watch for an upcoming post which will shred any membership I once had in the Orthodox Clan. They will probably change the secret handshakes and password when I'm kicked out!
