Thursday, September 06, 2007

highway to hell

I guess I am more empathetic to the emergent way of thinking than I thought. Originally I thought I was anti-emergent and only took issue with the current watchdog methodology. Then I thought it might be some latent bad feelings I had from the beatings the Vineyard took from these guys in the past. But with the latest revealing of the evils of the VeggieTales and Todd Rhodes' explanation, I now see it was because ... yep, I watched Davey and Goliath also.

Here are more emergent versions ... well probably not, I suppose this is more modernist ... I don't know anymore what is what ...

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  1. I identify with much of the emergent heart while remaining somewhat cautious.

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Henry - I agree. I am not officially "in" the movement. There are things that some emergents get into that concern me. However, they also bring some very important topics to the foreground.

    But picking on Veggie Tales now? Come on already! Sooner or later people have to figure out what these legalists are really all about!
