Sunday, September 23, 2007

does god accept you?

Steve Cornell posts Does God Accept Us As We Are. The below is an excerpt.
“God accepts us as we are.” Is this true? According to Jesus, it depends on what you think you are. Jesus told a parable about certain people who “trusted in themselves that they were righteous and viewed others with contempt” (Luke 18). Jesus referred to two men going up to the temple to pray — the one a Pharisee, the other a tax-gatherer ( a despised person in first century Judaism). The Pharisee began by thanking God that he was not like the sinners of society and then went on to recite his own notable virtues. The tax-gatherer stood at a distance with downcast eyes, pleading for God’s mercy and identifying himself as a sinner. The conclusion? The admitted sinner was accepted before God and the self-righteous Pharisee found no approval with God.

This parable reminds us that only those who see themselves as sinners in need of God’s mercy will be accepted by God. The best of human achievements cannot grant us favor with God. Only those who humbly acknowledge their unworthiness are granted acceptance with God. Put another way, “what we are” is the problem. All people have fallen short of God’s glory and are in need of His merciful salvation.

The Bible says; “God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble” (I Peter 5:5-6). The proud person rejects God’s authority over his life and defiantly declares his independence of the Creator. This person could be self-sufficiently religious (as the Pharisee) or totally irreligious. The issue is far deeper then external activities.

The broken and contrite heart God will not despise (Ps. 51:17). Through the prophet Isaiah, God said: “To this person will I look (with favor,) to him who is humble and contrite of spirit and who trembles at my word” (Isa. 66:2). Does God accept us as we are? It depends on what you think you are?

This builds on the Hating Sinners post from earlier this month. My friend Geoff Matheson made a good comment effectively reminding me that we aren't about increasing hate. I completely agree with him. What I think we really need however is more properly placed love and a clear mind regarding the nature of the warfare we are in.



  1. It depends on what you mean by "accept". He will receive you into Christ by faith just as you are, but when you are outside Christ He will not receive you as a son.

    We are accepted in the beloved, we are rejected of God without Christ. Praise His matchless grace, I had nothing to give but sin and when I believed HE ACCEPTED ME when I did not even accept myself. Halleluiah what a Savior!!!

  2. Rick - You have highlighted the care we must take in defining terms.

    You clarified the word accept by likening it to receive. I can live with that. But note you used in a sentence that furthered my point which is you were accepted after you believed - which was not the condition of the Pharisees that were rejected in the parable.

    I'm not sure if you were trying to counter the point or build on it?

  3. I'm not sure what you mean. The chronology of my salvation?

  4. Rick - yes ... sort of. You said that it was after you "believed" that you were "accepted" - until then, you were not.

  5. That is what I meant. I become accepted in the beloved by faith, until them I stand rejected and separated by my sin.


  6. Rick - yep ... like I said in my first comment, I wasn't sure if you were building onto the post or pointing out something I may have missed.

    Thanks for the comment.

  7. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I think I have written this is a comment before. The groups that continue to emphasize that Jesus accepts as we are tend to be the groups that want to continue in their sin.

    (There are also groups who use that motto who really mean that we can wear what we want to church.)

    Jesus doesn't "accept" people who want to continue in sin but at at the same time claim the name of Christ.
