Monday, September 03, 2007

dialogue - a rebuttal

Here's the next TeamPyro absurdity. The poster and the reference.


As before, what do you think the poster communicates. I think it is saying another generalization in that Emergents value dialog if it is only one way - them to you. I find that interesting because I thought one of the critiques of the Emergent gang was they allow too much in and don't take a strong enough stand. Anyway, the real meaning isn't important to TeamPyro as long as it portrays another group in a negative light and provides Frank Turk an opportunity to laugh at someone. It was Turk who said God is laughing at all of this too.

What does the article say? I don't really know. I think it is trying to reflect a typical dialogue between an EC'er and an Evangelical. It is showing how two sides can talk without communicating. I think it is accurate for almost anybody these days. It seems many, many people are busy talking and not listening. So much is said with so little understanding. That doesn't seem limited to EC v. Evangelical.

Anyway, it seems the post is highlighting how neither side listens. I'm not sure how TeamPyro finds fodder in this.

One commenter at the referenced post takes the opportunity to say:
why don't these "emergent" folks stop whining about how misunderstood they are and just be who they are? ppl always criticize that they don't understand, but constant whining about being misunderstood takes away from the focus. it reminds me of this friend i have who's a indy baptist. you always know what to expect from him and his crowd. they complain about what's wrong with everyone else and scream about how only the KJV is the bible. they waste so much time griping that serious ground is lost in their real cause. same thing with this emergent thing. quit whining and just move on with your vision. who cares if anyone understands or not? real visionaries don't pay attention to the critics, they just move on with their vision.

Perhaps that's what the TeamPyro post is referring to since this guy is recommending not bothering with critics. Like TeamPyro he accuses EC'ers as just whining. But wait, that is coming from a non-emergent???? Oh oh, don't tell me TeamPyro once again misrepresented this?

In fact, the writer of the post challenges with, "what if the vision that God is giving you is a vision for truth? And if it is truth then does that not obligate us to share it and defend it?"

From my reading, it looks like another deception from TeamPyro to build their popularity at the expense of others.

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  1. rick,

    i've broken my blog retirement to post my thoughts on this whole thing. to me it has become about people begin unwilling to give up their "right to be funny" for the good of the body.

    link here

  2. David - thanks for the link. By the way, I miss your blogging but you gotta do what you gotta do ...

  3. Whining = When I've nailed you good with stinging words and in the midst of my self congratulatory dance you happen to say something about what I said.
