Wednesday, September 05, 2007

comments not accepted

Well it happened, TeamPyro stopped taking my comments. After continued non-listening (something they blame Emergents for), Phil Johnson has decided to make it official.

For lack of Scriptural support, they turned to Spurgeon for help in their error. I simply asked if they were ever going to stop and return to their former ways (which while I took issue with some of their points, most of it I agreed and benefitted from)? I accused them of getting off track and on 31 August they said as much themselves - although they defended it as being ok to do.
And the reason for all of that is this—after our concurrent 3-ish years of blogging, we have come to realize that blogging cannot be serious business. Investing a lot of time in posts which say things like God's provision is usually exactly what we need, or that the sufficiency of God's word far exceeds any experience we could hope to encounter, or that we often discount what God has already done never seems to work out for us. People don't remember them. They're not what people come here to see.

And that, frankly, is a shame.

So no sense in wrecking the rest of our week with prayer, reflection and the real meat of God's word. This is what the people want—verbal meat-chubbery—and frankly, from what we understand, giving people what they really want is called missional these days.

So today I simply asked again if they were going to return to their former ways. Myself and one other was critical in our comment. Dan Phillips called us dogs (nice Dan). Then he upgraded us to silly. David (no other reference available) concluded that "some emergents have no understanding of the word love." I'm not sure how that came out of the interaction. Centuri0n then said we are not allowed to interact unless we can define the difference between insult and satire. Of course he hasn't bothered to read the number of times when I tried to do that on their blog, on mine, and referencing others - or is it simply he doesn't agree? He then said I am being "pseudo-spiritual" by invoking the name of Satan in reference to their deception. He adds, "People who invoke superstitious language to make someone stop arguing are exactly -- the identical type and disposition -- like witchdoctors and jungle shaman who want to scare people into submission." I thought I was simply saying that the deception they have fallen into is from Satan. Let's see, I'm like a witchdoctor while they are like defenders of the faith when they say others are deceived. I wonder how they choose?

Steve (no other reference available) thinks he helps the conversation by stating, "The pomo posters have revealed the spirit of the age: Stone those who are so bold as to expose error, and extend the right hand of fellowship to those who teach error." Which of course most don't really say. They say a lot of other untrue things but not this and even if they all did, I'm not sure how a poster created by Johnson is revealing truth about someone else? I think Steve is implying that we are stoning TeamPyro and offering support to heretics but I and the other commenter have both been critical of EC'ers and in fact have encouraged TeamPyro to do the same - just not in the manner they are currently choosing. That's interesting that Steve sees things as he does.

So I ask the same question again.

Now Connie decides it time to say she is tired of the whining. What whining? Dan then repeats Steve.

My comment is deleted and Phil Johnson claims that their is no need to return to defending the truth since they never left (contrary to the examples I provide and their own statement on 31 August). Johnson also demonstrates that he is incapable of listening.
Rick, as we've said repeatedly. We're convinced that an essential aspect of "promoting Scripture and lifting up Christ" involves defending the truth of Scripture and standing up for Christ by challenging those who want to redefine Him in their own terms.

Your whole dispute with us seems to stem from your naive belief that whatever errors or false teachers may be driving the EC agenda are not worth fighting about.

I keep encouraging them to fight error and that EC'ers are worth fighting for. But with his ever present slight of hand, when I critique the method, he decides I don't like the motive and bundles all objectors into one easy to discount pile.

He then cuts me off saying further comments are only allowed in reference to Spurgeon so my next comment also didn't make it. Cent the cleverly concludes "case closed".

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  1. And he says "case closed".

    I say "mind closed" or "Bible closed".

    I think I've discovered the reason for the emergent church. A self fulfilling prophecy. I do not sense the aroma of Christ anywhere in their blog. Doctine, yes, facts, yes, positions, yes, creeds yes, but I find no spirit of yokefellow and brotherhood.

    And Phil reminded me I was treated fairly as if that was something that shouldn't always accompany a Christian blog. I then was obliged to stop reading. The Christian Science Reading Room never asked me to leave!

  2. You happen to be a ankle biting pooch that is nothing but a nuisance, surely not someone who deserves a hearing. Please READ my comment before commenting yourself.

    And in a exquisite show of fleshly arrogance I will warn you that I will try and ignore your comment because mine is so much more important than your diminutive offering.

    And such is the god of doctrine and not the God of practice. If I have passed the written doctrinal test I am free to use any and all methods at my disposal no matter how carnal to remain elevated above the maddening crowd of ankle biters who are still neanderthal in their questions.

    I mean humble? Respectful? Meaningful? Gracious? Loving? Christlike? All those questions reveal your naiveté about spiritual issues, things that I grew out of long ago.

    Suffice to say that all those things can be found in the regurgitations that eminate from my mouth. Get over it, man!

  3. I guess what really gets me is that I probably identify more with their views more than most others I read. I tried to express that and they shut me down as if I was like all other whiners. I guess that's when I started to see the pervasiveness of their deception.

    It's too bad - they used to have something to offer the Body.

  4. From a free-willer, they were always shrill. Come on, Rick, Wesley calls!

  5. yeah but you deserved it!

  6. I appreciate reading the narrative. Part of me wishes I had gotten involved, but the Pyro's don't hold out so much as a bread crumb for repenting of anything so I guess overall I'm glad I spent my time elsewhere.

    Even if they do say something accurate, they say it in the wrong spirit, which I do not want to imitate.

  7. Rick,

    Sorry, but I had to laugh at the "For lack of Scriptural support, they turned to Spurgeon for help in their error."

    I did a poster on just that! HA HA!

    So as Johnny Mac stated on the Larry King interview...

    "Anyone can use the bible to justify anything" though I might add that if you can't use the Bible use Spurgeon...

    If Spurgeon is looking down I wonder what he is thinking?

    Hey, maybe this is a good thing... they are divisive and we are to avoid them... so if they avoid us all the better!

    Be Blessed...

  8. iggy - yeah, I liked your post. Oh by the way, I don't know about Ken but I benefitted from the day of fasting. Thanks for suggesting it.

  9. Rick,

    Be it that God heard our pleas or that God was on the move anyway...

    God is good and will do only good for His Children.

    I can only see Ken being blessed by the Father that loves Him... Ken and I will disagree... but God's love never fails.

    Be Blessed,

  10. Anonymous12:50 AM

    ... while I took issue with some of their points, most of it I agreed and benefitted from ...

    I hear ya. And the abandoning of this is what is so depressing. It seems like they went totally off the rails with the first batch of posters, got their ears tickled by the anti-EC crowd, went further, and further, and further until they now seem to have no interest in edifying anyone that doesn't agree with them 100%. (Which is more than a touch ironic, given their choice for their "Friend of Sinners" badge -- one guy holding a gun on another seems much more accurate.)

    Then again, they've been telegraphing the slide for quite some time. These two posts that I wrote don't cite what "inspired" them, but both came out of DJP articles at Pyro. In both articles (and these aren't the only ones), Dan writes a brilliant, Scripture-drenched, thought-provoking post, and then throws in a useless line or two to alienate half of his readers.

    The current state of things is just taking that to its logical extreme -- the occasional nugget buried under lots of alienation. And that's only about half a step from being the next Apprising/Slice/CRN. Heaven knows we need another one of those.

  11. Brendt - thanks for dropping by and commenting. I think the key is the 'spirit' of the thing. I'm good with someone making fun of me and certainly I make fun of a lot of others. The issue with these guys have gone mean and they don't get it.

    In the middle of a serious piece they detract with an unnecessary, unsupported, etc. negative comment about some group. It detracts from the real point and if you argue the side point you are 'derailing' and etc..

    Then, humor when done among friends feels fine to me. But when you say I'm a heretic or those you are joking with think I'm a heretic or those you are joking with aren't interested in knowing anything else about me except the caricature you just painted or etc., then joking isn't appropriate.

    And when joking happens and the person mocked is offended so you tease them more, not good.

    And and and ... net - they've lost the plot.

  12. Anonymous10:57 AM

