Sunday, September 16, 2007

blind guides

Yet another timely piece by John Michael Talbot on knowing Jesus.

Luke 6:39-42, Can a blind man act as guide to a blind man? v. 39
The church is filled with movements and programs to change the world. We have peace programs, social justice programs, evangelization programs - the list goes on and on, but none of these programs are effective if the hearts and lifestyles of the people in the programs are not first changed by Jesus. We cannot bring world peace without knowing inner peace. We cannot bring justice without knowing the justification given to us as a gift in Jesus through the forgiveness of our sins. We cannot evangelize until we have first been evangelized! If the things we are trying to impart are not real in our lives, then we are blind hypocrites: "the blind leading the blind."

What are you teaching? Does your communication (verbal, blog, actions) display what you have received from the Father? Or do it reflect what you have received from other blind guides (or worse, does it reflect the spirit you think you should be correcting)? The point of this post is not about watch dogs or the watch dog watchers, but one wouldn't have to read long to see that there is a lot of writing which clearly did not come from the Father.

Verses 41&42; Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye.

Whether you are caught up in that mess or whether you are caught up in programs, methods, tradition, etc.. The solution is the same. We need to know Christ and Christ alone. We must die with Him and be raised with Him. We cannot help anyone unless our focus is on Christ. As Talbot asks,

Do we really know Jesus, or do we just talk about him? Do we really know his peace in our heart, or do we try to fill up the empty place in our hearts with programs, marches, and meetings? Such things without Christ will fail in the end, and will only be an idol in our own souls. Without Jesus there will be no peace, no justice, and no good news for the world. We must seek to sit at the feet of the Master as students, so we might rightly teach truth to the world.

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