Monday, September 10, 2007


While they saw it as a negative thing, I think this baptismal video posted at CRN is great. At least based on what is visible here, Steven Furtick has his head on right. Here's what I saw and heard:
  • Real celebration over those that were baptized. My assumption is they made true professions of faith and this congregation demonstrates a real understanding of what just took place and is therefore celebrating with heaven.
  • A church staff realizing that there's a lot that can be done in their own strength so they set their sights on something bigger than what they could imagine doing themselves - in this case 144 baptisms.
  • A move of God's Spirit - 207 people baptized after 3 months and they gave public acknowledgment that God is good.
  • A right focus as a community is that people far from God would be filled with life in Christ. They refuse to focus on things like the color of the carpet or any other of the many distractions we get caught in.
  • Their focus is on Jesus, His death, resurrection, and ability to change lives. He is given all the honor and glory.
  • They are cheerful givers.
  • Visitors are welcome and the community expects to experience God.

I don't know Steven Furtick but the video presented as a bad thing sure impressed me.

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