Sunday, August 12, 2007

tips for keeping peace

Lifehacker (of all places) just pointed me to this timely (although it's from 1993 so perhaps I should have said timeless) piece on Tips for Keeping The Peace.

Read the post for the detail but the toplines are:
  • Slow down the action
  • Listen well
  • Give the other person the benefit of the doubt
  • Acknowledge the other person's feelings
  • Be strong without being mean
  • Try to see a conflict as a problem to be solved
  • Set your sights on a "win-win" solution
  • If you don't seem to be getting anywhere in solving a conflict, ask for help
  • Remember that conflict, handled well, can lead to personal growth and better relationships
  • The true heroes and sheroes of today's world are not the Rambos

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