Thursday, August 23, 2007

stories - a rebuttal

This is too easy, I can get one more in before I have to leave. I wish I would have taken more time when they first started this onslaught against the Church.

Another TeamPyro heartbreaker ... this one triggered by this article.


Another classic generalization/misrepresentation. Emergents dislike Truth. Emergents live in fantasy land. Oh and this one I like, Emergents do not like Divine Revelation - which in the TeamPyro mind by the way means only the written Word (since they allow God to speak in no other way). Oh, and of course the stories are "myths" we use as opposed to real life/Biblical stories.

So let's see what the article says. Dieter Zander:
Postmodern man is as open to the gospel as any has ever been--you don’t even have to prove God, all you have to do is tell His story.

Is that the issue?!?! That sounds very Biblical. Who can prove God unless the Spirit Himself renew a man's heart. And if that's happening, our role is to clearly and accurately convey the Gospel, i.e., His story. I thought it was Biblical to be able to tell His story. Was Peter Emergent in Acts 2? Is this what triggered TeamPyro to mock Emergents in front of redeemed and fallen man alike?

There's no point in digging into the details of this article. It simply expounds on Zander's preference to relate propositional truth via narrative. His style may not even include "closing the deal" at the end of a "sermon". Rather he is about telling the whole story of God and in that communicate the necessary and requisite truths. This doesn't strike me as evil, heretical, wrong-minded, etc.. I actually like it. I'm not sure I would promote it over other styles/methods but I do like it.

Before I close, I should note that I don't know Dieter Zander. Maybe TeamPyro has a special dislike of him because not only do they think he is Emergent, but apparently he has been or still is a Seeker-Sensitive and a GenX'er - the trifecta!

How TeamPyro finds horror in this and justifies mocking Emergents as preferring myths (especially when Zander talks about "His story") over Biblical Truth is beyond me. It becomes more and more clear to me the deception TeamPyro is under as they mock and tear apart the Church.

And one of them thinks Jesus finds this funny ... not good.

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1 comment:

  1. This is the biggest laugh and heartache for me...

    I have gone on many blogs by these guys who accuse me of not believing in "truth" and as I defend "biblical truth" against the truth of Hegel, Gottlob Frege, Aquinas,(who was heavily influenced by Platonist dualism) and on and on these guys still insisted that I was against truth... BTW Kirkegaard used to mock Hegel over this very issue!

    I have over 280 posts dealing on "truth" and all are for it1 LOL!

    It seems that the only ones against truth are the guys that are declaring war on it... errr I mean against the emerging church and would rather state we do not beleive in it... but we do... the "it" though is the Person of Jesus Christ and that is the core issue... is "Truth" objective and impersonal... Universal and more real as an abstract thought than Jesus? I think not! Yet, that is the argument and they insist on objectionalizing Jesus who is Truth incarnate...

    So, as I state to them over and over, it seems that they believe that they can defend truth with lies and slander and deceit... yet I think that "truthfully" they are defending a truth (the ideals of an abstract and detached object they call, "Truth") at the expense of THE TRUTH who is Jesus Himself.

