Monday, August 13, 2007

spiritual muscles

David Rudd posts a brief but interesting piece regarding the difference between bodybuilder muscles and football player muscles. I like it, he makes an excellent spiritual analogy. Are you building your spiritual muscles to have muscles that appear good or are they truly functional and improving your ability to "play in the game"?

I fight this regularly. I hear a lot of feedback when I do things like preach, lead a small group, give the pep talk prior to a service project, or even lead in a prayer. This goes right to my head and I think, "yeah, that did sound wise" or something like that. I hate that. Sometimes I wish people wouldn't compliment me. I really do not want to think that way. I only want that in the end, some one or two might reflect back and say, "yeah, Rick glorified God and that made a positive difference in my life."

Sigh ...

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