Saturday, August 18, 2007

the spiritual gift of wild guesses

I have to admit I've seen what I suspect is a bit of this ...


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  1. Rick,

    I had an experience on time when we began to pray at a leadership meeting. I felt my left ear begin to feel like it was underwater and then as I prayed I kept hearing “Left ear”… it was annoying so I asked God to make it stop… and it only got worse.

    I then took a chance (I never have done this before and am one of the biggest skeptics) I asked if someone had a feeling as if they had water in their left ear… and someone did! LOL!

    I then stated that it was not a healing, but a word of encouragement, which they had been feeling that they have prayed and prayed and yet felt they could not hear from God… and I told her that He heard her… and that her hearing would be restored and that she would hear from God clearly.

    Being that she was the prayer leaders…. She acknowledged this to be true and it all happened.

    I was quite shocked over it… yet still I remain skeptical over the “someone has a pain on between their neck and feet… and God wants to heal It.” style.


  2. iggy - cool story ... I'm with you man. I've done similar. That's why I like the cartoon. I don't plan to stop but I sure will try to be aware as I move through that territory.

