Thursday, August 30, 2007

spirit-filled preaching

"There is one thing that gives a preacher authority, and that is he must be 'filled with the Holy Spirit'". ~ Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, "Knowing the Times" - Banner of Truth (1989) - (p160).

"Oh there is preaching and preaching! What is the test of preaching? I will tell you; it is power!". ~ Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones cited in Tony Sargent - "The Sacred Anointing" - Hodders (1994) - (p294).

"Oh there is preaching and preaching! What is the test of preaching? I will tell you; it is power!". ~ Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones cited in Tony Sargent - "The Sacred Anointing" - Hodders (1994) - (p294).

"To fail to learn from the pulpit of the past is to impoverish that of the present". ~ Tony Sargent - "The Sacred Anointing" - Hodders (1994) - (p260).


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