Sunday, August 05, 2007

the slice sickness

The sinfulness of Slice (CRN, Pyro, Fide-O, etc.) continues to roll on with no sign of slowing down. Here are the enemies of God's people (and therefore God himself) attacking a friend of mine, David Hayward, the Nakedpastor. Read the Slice article and subsequent comments. Then ask yourself, how much Christ-likeness and how much fact and understanding of Hayward do you see? And I'm not just talking about confronting error. I have no issue with confrontation - our Lord did so. I'm asking what specifically are they attacking? What real understanding of Hayward are they demonstrating? How much 'venom' is simply directed at a perception of a group of people that may or may not exist? Etc..

This my friends is the standard fare from the MacArthur birthed school of thought. Don't think so? Read the latest TeamPyro post on 'new-model theologians'. The logic goes like this.

A) Let's pick someone most of us would agree is sound.
B) Let's quote that person rebuking some group of people.
C) Then because we quoted it first, it applies to any one we point it to but not to ourselves.

When you read this junk, it's easy to understand why an honest person like Hayward would say in reference to himself, "sometimes evangelical, sometimes heretical." Hayward does not consider himself a heretic in God's eyes - he is only one to the modern day pharisees.

David - take cheer, you are in good company; they took issue with Jesus as well.

Personally, I hate how much I have spent on this stuff. Each time I say I will not comment I find myself sickened by the number of people buying it and feel compelled to say something. When I do this I am guilty as they are. We are not edifying each other even though the clowns at Pyro think it's only funny and those that don't should get over themselves. We are not lifting up Christ, which is really sad when you consider that the Pyro guys can do this very, very well when they aren't doing this other junk.
For further reference, iggy has many posts on the garbage coming out of the jonny mac camp. Here's another, CRN.Info and Analysis. I didn't take time to figure out who is putting this out or how accurate the stuff is but the few posts I read rang true with me.

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  1. Rick,

    I actually thought at one time one could dialog with the people at Slice... but as the rev Scottie pointed out and I showed a while ago in a post that they only post those that are in agreement with them.

    Interestingly that was an accusation against me after I was getting a bunch of nasty comments from the people at

    I closed comments for a time and took heat for that! I was told I could not take criticism... LOL!

    It seems that the double standard runs thick.

    Really I would not worry if someone was spotlighted by Ingrid or Ken... I have found some great friend out of who they pointed out. The are actually a great source to find others who think more like I do! LOL!

    Did you catch the one where Ingrid starts promoting christian dating services!?! LOL!

    I noted that there was at least two "dating" sites in the comments. There is only one now. My comment was removed as I pointed out that we should trust God.... funny huh?

    be blessed,

  2. Anonymous7:37 PM

    enemies of God's people?


    rick, all your posts lately have sounded angry.

    a LOT angrier and less edifying than anything i've ever read at the pyro blog

    maybe you need to back away and take some deep breaths.

  3. anonymous - I don't agree that it is angrier or less edifying than Pyro stuff. And I don't feel angry but ABSOLUTELY, this is not edifying.

    So I thank you and others for confronting that.

    I am preparing some posts based on this and some reading and praying I've been doing.
