Thursday, August 09, 2007

responding to criticism

There has been much discussion of late regarding defending the Gospel and responding to criticism. I think John Wimber wrote an excellent piece, Why I Respond to Criticism, about this back in 1992 as the Vineyard came under more and more attack.

The cessationists among you may need to grit your teeth a bit at the prophecy part but I would be interested in your feedback.

I am identifying with the following key points by Wimber.
... defending and clarifying my message in a loving and respectful way against unjust criticism is important for the well being of people who are confused by the attacks ...

... leaders are to defend their ministries and personal integrity when they are falsely accused ...

... leaders are to take attacks seriously because lies and slander against them and their ministries will hurt, confuse, and undermine the faith of those under their care ...

... leaders must publicly acknowledge the truth of accurate criticism and repent in the appropriate, biblical manner ...

For me, the struggle is regarding going to the person you are confronting in private. Can you get out of that if you do not reference them by name? What if what you are confronting was said or done in public? The process to address people individually can be exhausting and I'm not even sure how one would even go about it when the topic is something from a book, a blog, etc..


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