Thursday, August 23, 2007

powell on worship

I love music by Third Day. This links to a video by Mac Powell, lead vocalist, on What is Worship.
Well worship to me, in a sense, is really the Gospel. Because it's us dying to ourselves and really giving credit for life, and peace, and love, and everything that we have to God--and thanking Him for those things, and giving Him the credit that He deserves. There's a great scripture in Romans that says, "Brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God." It goes on to say that "this is your spiritual act of worship."

A lot of times within America, and within the church, we kind of feel like worship is music and lifting our hands and that's a great part of it, but worship is not just that. Worship is when we die to ourselves and we allow God to come into our lives and change us and live His life through us. That to me is worship.

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