Thursday, August 09, 2007

piper v. grudem on baptism and membership

Now this is the way to confront! Here John Piper addresses Wayne Grudem's updated Systematic Theology. In the old edition, to the question, "Do Churches Need to Be Divided Over Baptism?", Grudem answers "no". In the new addition, he concludes, "Some kind of ‘compromise’ position on baptism is not very likely to be adopted by denominational groups in the future."

Piper agrees but adds, "with that cautious comment on what is likely to be, rather than what ought to be, the new section has lost the prophetic, biblical force of the original edition."

Check out the post for his rationale. I find it excellent and on this issue, as much as it pains me, I side with both on the conclusion but agree with Piper on the lack of force in Grudem's surrounding argument.

UPDATE: Wayne, Wayne, Wayne writes a brilliant reply.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Yes, I agree this is a very well written disagreement statement. However, I would hope that Piper picked up the phone and called his friend prior to posting this blog entry to the public. I think it would have been a professional courtesy if nothing else, but would also be the Christian thing to do.
