Wednesday, August 29, 2007

piper on postmodernism

Here John Piper offers some basic definitions of postmodernism and modernism and his concern that there is "way too much adaption going on and not enough winsome confrontation going on."


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  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    huh...??? I think the average length of word in that talk was about 15 letters.

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I agree with a lot of what Piper is saying here: Christianity that opens itself up to any interpretation of truth, and conforms with the consumeristic approach of our post-modern world is not christianity at all.

    But the christianity that Piper wants to save people to is a Jesus without any mystery, without room for exploration or room for doubt. If we preach a religion of "objective, concrete, clear Jesus Christ" and in doing so pretend that we have the complete answers; we're not being honest about what we believe. We don't have the full picture, and we ARE going to be wrong about parts of what we believe about God.

    So I believe that the solution to confronting the lies in the post-modern, all-inclusive "spirituality" is not to present our religious doctrine as concrete and complete, but rather as a best effort from what we know about God, able to be moulded and improved as we seek to understand God more clearly.

    Thanks for posting the video Rick, you've certainly got me thinking
