Thursday, August 23, 2007

mahaney on small groups

I'm big on small groups. Here's CJ Mahaney's reason why they are important.
I believe in support groups. My question is this, “What are you supporting?” If you are supporting the pursuit of godliness, I’m with you. Let’s have a support group. We’ve got them here (at Covenant Life Church), and they’re effective.

But if you’re talking about just supporting you while you endlessly rehearse your past and excuse your activity which is disobedience to God (and not in your best interest either), then no that’s not our definition of a support group.

We believe in small groups here but they are to be biblically based and motivated small groups. Encourage one another day after day. “Encourage one another each day” it says. Why? “Because of the deceitfulness of sin.” Encourage one another in what way? Encourage one another to the pursuit of godliness: Encourage one another to pursue God; encourage one another to obey God; encourage one another to glorify God. That’s what support groups are all about…We are presenting a biblical alternative to the recovery movement.

HT:JH via PC

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1 comment:

  1. It's bad enough....oh never mind I'll keep my opinions to myself in case I'm tempted to make bad posters. You're doing a great job bringing truth by the way.
