Saturday, August 04, 2007

macarthur's gone charismatic

John MacArthur, in The Pillars of Christian Character, reminds us that when Paul wrote, We walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor 5.7), he means;
[T]he Christian does not ultimately evaluate life through his natural sense, but through the eyes of faith. How could Paul be so confident that the Christian life could operate that way? Because of what he told the Philippians: "My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (4.19). The real key to living a life of faith is the divine means supplied by the indwelling, powerful, ever-present Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Go John MacArthur. That's a hearty AMEN from this particular Charismatic.

Later in the same book MacArthur references Ex 24.3-8 and notes that "prior to the Mosaic law, God had revealed His will and ways to His people." He then goes on to explain that from then on God's "will would be written down in absolute specifics."

That's interesting because I think it sheds a lot of light on the mind of MacArthur. In God's perfect revelation of His will, God still reveals His ways. God did not stop revealing His ways. MacArthur seems to lean towards "let's read Scripture to understand how we should behave toward God". I think it's that plus "let's read Scripture to understand how we should expect to see God behave toward us."

The Bible is perfect. It is much more than a set of instructions by which to live. It points to the living Christ and what our relationship to our King looks like.

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