Friday, August 10, 2007

loving jesus but not his bride

Ed Stetzer challenges us with can we love Jesus and ignore (or not love) His Bride?
...many young people today are simply reflecting a "church culture" created by modern-day believers -- a culture he says is very consumer-oriented and that encourages an attitude that says "if you don't meet my needs here, I'll go somewhere else."

"And when you do that," he adds, "you create a culture where people can say 'I love Jesus, but I don't love his wife'" -- which Stetzer points out is the bride of Christ, the church.

"I think we need to begin to see that this covenant community called church is not an option in the Christian life," he continues. "But to be fair, that's what we've made it in North America today -- and perhaps these young adults are reflecting to some degree the church culture in which they were grown and discipled."

I agree. Too many look for alternate forms of community but it simply cannot be done. At the same time, too many within the body distain other parts. This in and of itself is wrong but worse, it encourages those that do not understand God's intent regarding the Church to leave and look for these alternate forms.

I imagine that the head (Christ) is crying.

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