Friday, August 31, 2007

keeping the main thing the main thing

I thank Peter Cockrell for bringing my attention to this video of CJ Mahaney on the Gospel. The Pyromaniacs have been effective at helping me (and many others) take their eyes off the Gospel. This video was timely to encourage me to refocus on the cross of Christ.

And speaking of the main things, I had a cool lunch experience. I met with a couple of guys from Grace Chapel and a friend of mine from Northstar Vineyard. We discussed the potential of our church communities partnering (always cool stuff) and becoming more intentional with our efforts regarding the homeless in Cincinnati. We volunteer once a month to staff a drop-in center run by City Gospel Mission and our discussion was about how we can help educate our volunteers to be more Christ centered in our conversations with the homeless, how we need to pray more before and after the events, etc..

Anyway, it filled my heart with hope and re-centered my thinking on Christ and the furtherance of His Kingdom.

I shared with the guys that when people do this kind of work, not only are they positively affecting those we touch in a practical way, but God is glorified through us and our lives are changed in the process as well.

I thank God I can be involved in His Kingdom work.

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1 comment:

  1. good of the reasons I moved away from my old circles to a new family of churches (SovGraceMin) the emphasis on Gospel Centrality. My old circles focused on truth, discernment, and thinking biblically but they were a little too long on diagnosis and a little short on cure.

    The gospel is what reminds of our sinfulnes but also gives us the answer: grace and the Holy Spirit.
