Tuesday, August 28, 2007

iggy on doublespeak

I think Iggy gets it exactly right, the TeamPyro posters don't communicate anything except distain for the church outside of the private group that propagate them. With the poster Iggy is addressing, one is not clear where TeamPyro stands. Their zeal to mock others seems to mock a position they themselves hold to.

Again, the issue here is that we need to return to some sound Bible based confrontation. I align with some (not most) of the criticisms offered by TeamPyro but the posters are no way to proffer those opinions.

As Rick Frueh comments:
Ten men stand on stage in an auditorium. They are asked about what are the necessary fruits that substantiate a person’s conversion. All ten men answer differently. The moderator asks each man how he came to his conclusion. This time each man answers the exact same way:

“I got my answer from the Bible!”

His point isn't that the Bible is wrong or open for multiple interpretations. It is that we need to treat those making an honest effort to understand it with the respect and dignity that comes with being part of the body of Christ. These posters do not do that nor do that engage in Biblical discourse.

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  1. I'm not sure how people can defend Christ by unChristlike language. I recall an incident in the Garden of Gethsemane where Christ Himself disapproved of someone defending Him with carnal efforts, don't you?

    That is my point. If being a "Truth Warrior" relieves you of humility when dealing with brethren with differing doctrinal views, than you could justify murdering infidels.

    Oh yea, the church used to employ that tactic, today we hide behind murderous words.

  2. the longer this goes on, the more clear it becomes that the heart of this problem is not the humor or the tone, but the misrepresentation.

    the posters do not accurately represent the people needing to be confronted.

    they create a caricature (some truth mixed with significantly exaggerated features), and then expect to engage in reasonable debate.

    this is the reason no one has engaged phil's "previous documents" about the EC. they simply don't present an accurate picture, making discussion impossible.

    it would be like me saying, "Rick, you clearly believe that Jesus and Satan were brothers, and no matter what you say, I won't change my opinion of that. Now, give me some proof to back up your beliefs."

    "oh, yeah. no matter how much you tell me you don't believe that, i will continue to impute that argument to you."

    it's an impossible dilemna.

  3. Even if some of the issues are substantive, I cannot help but find the underlying ambiance in their speech is pride. The question Phil asks is where are the EC insiders confronting obvious doctinal heresy and I would desire to see more.

    But where are the posts that deal with pride from the orthodox camp? Where are the articles that call for repentance from within their own ranks? Many of their blogs come from a perspective of seeing clearly the sins of others without ever admitting, much less dealing with, their own sins.

  4. and just for the record, in case anyone is considering making a poster, I do NOT believe Jesus and Satan are brothers.


  5. yes you do, and i have yet to see a substantive proof for why.

  6. David - I fell out of my chair laughing. Too good. And now, not only do I apparently believe Jesus and Satan are brothers, I am a whiner and refuse to engage.

    Perhaps we can turn this into 150+ comments and you could generate a bunch of posters about me and people could spend zero time understanding me, they could just spread the generalizations that you make, and ...

    Hey thanks man - that was great!
