Thursday, August 23, 2007

i'm flabergasted

Here's an exchange between myself and a Christian writer whose personal blog has had over 300,000 hits and group blog over 1,000,000 - this doesn't count all of those reading via RSS feeds and secondary posts/references. I consider this guy influential. This is the exchange.

Him: I think Jesus thinks it's funny that people who have such a generous view of theology -- that is, it's a matter of accommodation rather than a matter of the exclusive claims of Christ -- don't have any room in their big house for satirical critics.

Me: Do you really think Jesus thinks it's funny that people don't have room for satire? I don't imagine he is laughing at this at all. I think he is saddened (or even angered) with both sides of the bickering. Whether written or not, would I be wrong to say that this has not been completely good natured joking from both ends?

Him: Yes, Rick, I do think Jesus finds it funny. After that, you may postulate anything you wish.

I'm thinking that Jesus sees no humor in those that prefer accommodation as a replacement for truth and I don't think Jesus sees humor in his people stirring anger, frustration, etc. in each other.

This man and his friends wonder why I call them deceived and accuse them of playing into the hands of the enemy. I played into the same hand when I jumped in angrily and sarcastically. It is now time for sober discernment - there is a widening gap in the Church and there are some in the Evangelical camp actively driving that.

On the other hand, the exchange has been helpful. I am better, although not yet perfect, in checking my motives before jumping into a fray. I've also developed a bigger space for those whom I disagree with. Through this I am finding it easier to hold to the Truth as it [He] has been revealed to me and still care for those who have a honest but different revelation of the same.


  1. I'm definitely of the same opinion as you, Rick. I agree on the level that such bickering between Christians is not the fruit of grace and love. But I also think that humor, in general, in matters of such importance is of no benefit. I was reminded of an article that Piper wrote about the movement of God during revival and thought that a quote from William Sprague would be appropriate here:

    All the means which God's word authorizes, are characterized by seriousness.

    I may appeal to any of you who have been in the midst of a revival, whether a deep solemnity did not pervade the scene; whether, even if it is your common business to trifle, you were not compelled to be solemn then? And if you have wished at such a moment to be gay, have you not felt that that was not the place for it....

    Now then, if there be a high degree of solemnity belonging essentially to a revival of religion...surely every measure that is adopted in connection with it, ought to partake of the same character. It were worse than preposterous to think of carrying forward such a work by any means which are not marked by the deepest seriousness, or to introduce any thing which is adapted to awaken and cherish the lighter emotions, when all such emotions should be awed out of the mind. All ludicrous anecdotes, and modes of expression, and gestures, and attitudes, are never more out of place than when the Holy Spirit is moving upon the hearts of a congregation. Everything of this kind is fitted to grieve him away; because it directly contradicts the errand on which he has come;—that of convincing sinners of their guilt, and renewing them to repentance.

    The Pyro's think is funny and humorous - but in reality this is an issue of doctrine, of sin, and of wrong-thinking about God (either for EC or for them). I don't know why they persist in making of joke of sin and of fellow Christians.

  2. Instead of help from someone with more biblical knowledge, I find I'm turned off by all their debasing comments. I also feel like they're relegating anyone under the age of 30 to the emergent scrap heap as if we don't have a mind of our own and can't possibly be staying true to the word of God.

    It reminds me of the joke about St. Peter giving a tour through heaven. When passing one certain room he tells everyone to be quiet. When asked why he says,"That's the fundamentalist, they think they're the only ones here."

    (sorry, we were talking about jokes weren't we)

  3. Rick...

    i appreciate your perseverance man.

    but Jesus said something about peals and swine, and i think he WAS speaking about the respected "church" leaders of his day...

    and i think it was a pretty funny thing to say, satire even...

