Thursday, August 23, 2007

faith - a rebuttal

Back from small group with fresh energy ... more deception from TeamPyro.

Here's the poster and here's the referenced article.


The poster conveys that Emergents question faith I think. Actually I don't know what it's poking fun at. I wonder if TeamPyro is saying Emergents are foolish for questioning things. That actually seems wise doesn't it? So I have to assume that TeamPyro is trying to tell people that Emergents don't think you can have faith. That doesn't seem funny does it?

Well let's see, the Emergents I know seem to have faith and work to build their faith. I think they are honest enough to say that they have "dark nights of the soul" in which they question their faith. I think they question themselves when they fail and they question themselves when they haven't failed but God somehow feels distant. But I haven't heard any of them question that faith is required and faith is to be built up and etc...

What does this article by Rob Spain say that TeamPyro feels justified in using as an example of the evils of Emergents? Let's see. Rob Spain, looks like a regular enough guy. As best I can tell he's just an ordinary guy that takes some really good photo's. I don't see him referenced as spokesperson from TeamEmergence. Perhaps it was something specific in his post Questioning and Hierarchy that caused this perception of evil?

Spain starts his post by sharing that he told some friends that he had "frustrations with church and modern religiosity". These frustrations helped him form great questions of faith, the Bible, and the life of Jesus. Hmmm ... so he had some suffering that led him to deep soul searching. Sounds like he could be a Bible character.

He then shares how some of his friends were put off by his questioning. But he remains unhindered stating, "For me questions are a central part of me really understanding anything, especially faith. If I can ask a good question I can understand the subject better. I question everything always. Everything is open to questioning. I invite everyone to question with me so that we all might have better understandings, together. I invite everyone to question everything I say."

So far, this guy could be a Berean (Acts 17.11) or he would have fit well with Paul and Barnabas in the Scripture that he referenced on their struggle (Acts 15.1ff).

I found it - Spain reference Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis as a great book. Is that the heresy?

To close, I love the words of Spain's own mother in the comments.
I’m so proud to have raised a son who questions. Questions bring knowledge and understanding. Your faith can only grow if you question what you believe so that you will understand why you believe what you believe. Only then you will be able to effectively share your faith with others.

I’m very sorry if I ever let you think that questions were forbidden. I continually question what I read in the Bible. If I didn’t I’d just be looking at words and not searching for meaning and application to my life.

So once again TeamPyro - I have to ask what here gave you the right to imply that Emergents as a group have an unhealthy attitude toward faith? What I read here seems quite healthy and quite Biblical. If you are suggesting something opposite, then I fear for your own well being.

And I'm concerned for those so easily deceived by your deception.

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