Thursday, July 26, 2007

words to live by

Jim Meredith proffers these wise words:
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt! We all are sinners, but we still retain the stamp of God, even though flawed. Liars sometimes tell the truth; and sinners often do good for their fellow man. Man is the sinner; his acts are often good. Since we can't read another's heart, let's loosen up a bit. Let's let the Evil one be the accuser. The old adage is true: 'Our sins will find us out.' They need not be pointed out! Let us see the good in one another!
  • Always assume intentions are honorable until it is overwhelmingly clear that they are not. Be cautious, but not caustic or cynical. God is always at work in all of our lives; don't limit him by our distrust of others. Perhaps we are really not trusting God.
  • Try to support people by encouraging their desire to do good, not correcting or standing in judgment of their outward practice. Let Jesus, the Lifegiver, define your comfort zone in how you deal with people. He loved people yet rebuked the religious leaders of his day. [R]eligion has destroyed many a man (it literally killed Jesus) when another has not lived up to certain expectations.
  • Give wide latitude to practices! For 72 years, I've seen faith lived out in a thousand ways. The Creator and Savior is bringing many from every culture unto Himself! We should (and will) stand in awe as He brings many sons and daughters into glory. Jesus never leaves or forsakes any of us; some simply move forward at a faster or slower pace; while others do not know His love or respond to his friendship, or consciously turn to 'their own way' .(Isaiah 53:6)
  • Focus on the heart, your heart, for out of it come the issues of life! (Proverbs 4:23) What really matters with God is not outcomes, but faithful heart commitment, which often leads to successful outcomes. For sure, God finishes His work! He who began a good work in you will complete it, Paul wrote to the Philippian church.

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