Thursday, July 12, 2007

truth according to phillips

Dan Phillips is starting what promises to be a great series for those that have little or no Bible background. If something is stirring in your heart to understand this person called Christ and this thing called Christianity, this should be a good series to follow.

It is called Hello, Out There©. The first one is about truth. Is there truth and if so, can we know it? Very, very well done.

Read it. And for those of you that don't bother to read the comments, here is JSB's add and Phillips' reply. Excellent.

JSB: Jesus is the locus and the Logos. I heard Christopher Hitchens say the other day that there is no moral pronouncement a Christian can make that an atheist cannot also make. Which rather misses the point, doesn't it? The atheist can "say it" but cannot back it up. Cannot make an argument that would make it binding on all (and what good is a morality that does not extend beyond one person?) I think Schaeffer used to argue that truth had to be revealed, or the whole concept was meaningless.

DJP: Very well-put, JSB. A "morality" that is only binding on me falls rather short of the definition of the word, doesn't it? It would be hard to explain the difference between that definition of "morality," and "whim" or "mood" or "preference."

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1 comment:

  1. Rick,

    Can't find an e-mail address for you on your page, but I wanted to say thanks for what you said on Dan Phillips' Biblical Christianity blog about my post "Throwing Stones in Glass Houses of Worship" at Cerulean Sanctum.

    I've since dropped a few comments at Phillips' blog myself. Frankly, I'm stunned at the posting there. It's as if people didn't even read what I wrote. I made it almost impossible to miss my points, but people missed them anyway.

    I have a lot of respect for Team Pyro, but sometimes they can't see the nose right in front of their face. For such smart guys, they still sometimes miss the forest for the trees.

    Was surprised to see that you live in Cincinnati. I thought I knew all the Christians in Cincinnati! ;-)
