Wednesday, July 11, 2007

team pyro irony

Here's Phil Johnson's closing statement in a recent hot button over at team Pyro.
Consider this: if Peter had taken the approach with Simon Magus that you propose taking with Hinn and his ilk, the early church would probably have been overrun with charlatans, too. Or if Paul had taken such an approach with the Galatian legalists, the church might not have endured through into the second century.

It was a response to some bad (in my opinion) advice "to concern yourself [Johnson] with your own stuff and leave Brother Hinn alone. If he is a fake, my God is big enough to take care of him."

While I don't completely agree with this person's advice to Johnson, I also disagree with Johnson's position.

Consider this: if Ananias had taken the same approach to the Lord (or Saul to Ananias) that Johnson and his ilk propose taking with Charismatics, we would not have Romans and where would that leave us Calvinists? Or if Cornelius had taken such an approach with the Angel (or the servants and the soldier to Cornelius; or Peter to the Lord), the church may be only Jewish. Hmmm ...

Of course none of this is really the point of Johnson's post but I find it ironic that these guys continue to be confused why some people don't hear their point and get fired up about the side issues.

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