Wednesday, July 18, 2007

solomon center

I had a cool experience this evening. We typically go out Saturday mornings to serve (normally the poor) in our community. Tonight my wife and daughter spent a couple of hours at a free store (Solomon Center) our church runs. Very, very cool.

In just a couple of hours we gave simple household supplies to over 50 families. The process is people come to the laundry room in one of the buildings in a low income housing area. They fill out a form requesting supplies. Each item has some number of points assigned to it and they are allowed up to 20 points to 'shop' with. We then bag it up and off they go.

It was great. Since we do this regularly,relationships are made with those in the community. I noticed two of the volunteers serving were from the community. I spotted a lady from the church outside with the neighborhood kids doing some craft stuff with them. Apparently the kids new her because they gathered around when they saw her arrive. Several other volunteers sat around visiting with the families as they waited for us to pack up their orders. I saw some people reading books to children or helping them read if they were older. I got to carry an elderly woman's groceries back to her apartment. Etc..

I wonder how it is that so many cannot find the time to care for God's creation?

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