Wednesday, July 11, 2007

the role of the church

Benjamin Nitu, in comments to a post by Phil Johnson, submitted this excellent quote by Carl Henry.
The content of church proclamation is therefore not just anything and everything. The church's message to the world is not about the energy crisis, pollution, white or black power, détente, the Israeli-Arab conflict, ad infinitum. It is the very specific Word of God. The church is called to proclaim what God says and does. Unless it verbally articulates and communicates the revelation of God, the church has no distinctive right to be heard, to survive, or to even exist.

Nor is the Christian minister anything and everything - a fund-raiser, marriage-counselor, pulpit orator, public relations specialist, ad infinitum. He is primarily the proclaimer of God's revealed Word. Unless he declares the revelation of God he has no unique vocational claim and standing. -Carl Henry: God, Revelation and Authority vol. II

PS - Phil's post is worth reading. It's good admission of the state of current politics and warning that some of the solutions on the table are no better if not worse.

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