Tuesday, July 03, 2007

macarthur loves the church

John MacArthur loves the Church. Now here's something he and I agree on. While I'm absolutely sure we disagree on how the visible Church shows up to the world, we both see and love her as the Bride of Christ. I've quoted John Wimber on this many times and I'll do it again, "we are called to love Christ, His Church, and His cause."

There is unfortunately too much truth found in the criticisms of the Church. But just as important (if not more), I'm bothered by the level of distain I find in these criticisms. It seems we have lost our love for Christ's Bride.

MacArthur is beginning a series on the topic at Pulpit Magazine that should be worth following. Here is the teaser quote from Michael Griffiths.
A high proportion of people who “go to church” have forgotten what it is all for. Week by week they attend services in a special building and go through their particular, time-honored routine, but give little thought to the purpose of what they are doing. The Bible talks about the “the bride of Christ” but the church today seems like a ragged Cinderella. It needs to reaffirm the nonnegotiable, essential elements that God designed for it to be committed to. [God’s forgetful Pilgrims (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978)]

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