Sunday, July 15, 2007

the greek way to restore the church

818638044 3E8Eeceb57I was fortunate to make some beautiful friendships while living in German. One of the wonderful families we were privileged to get to know was that of Anastasios and Andrea (Greek and German - go figure). Tassos publishes The Journal of Biblical Accuracy which was rated 'must see' on Phil Johnson's bookmarks.

Anyway, Tassos recommended I read an article by Rev. Archimandrite Fr. Eusebius A. Stephanou about the church. Being the shallow person I am, my first reaction was I really like this guy's clothes so I felt compelled to include his photo here. That aside, it is an interesting article and it builds on some recent posts I've made regarding the Church. Father Eusebius rightly states:
Too many are looking in the wrong places for the solution to the present crisis in the Church. Are we to rely simply on new programs and administrative changes? The word of God makes it crystal clear to us:

- Repent collectively of our sins of disobedience.
- Bring Christ out of obscurity into prominence between Liturgies.
- Restore the Headship and Lordship of Christ.
- Enunciate as frequently as possible Christ's "pre-eminence in all things" outside the Church building, as well as inside.
- Cause the Bride of Christ to be inflamed with a nuptial love for her coming Divine Spouse.
- There cannot be spiritual renewal until Jesus is glorified!

If our Church is truly the Church of the Apostles and Fathers, then let us talk the language of the Apostles and Fathers. Their sole aim was to exalt the Name of Jesus and to die for Him. They desired to "decrease so that He might increase" (John 3:30)

Very well said.

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