Monday, July 30, 2007

benny hinn

I've never listened to Benny Hinn, I've never read any of his books, I've never seen the man in person - but I have formed an opinion of him. Since my opinion is uninformed, I will opt to not share it (something that doesn't seem to even slow many others down). The folks at Fide-O are among those happy to share their negative opinion and in doing so pointing me to this amazing video of Hinn.

Interestingly, over lunch two weeks ago, a friend of ours told us about a recent trip she took. She was in a restaurant and got into a conversation with the waitress who claimed to be a Christian. The waitress shared her recent journey of faith. Apparently the woman's husband, suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, had been in a wheelchair for well over a year. This women had reached a point where she struggled praying for his healing. Prompted by a friend, she took her husband to a Benny Hinn meeting. The man was prayed for, stood out of his wheel chair, and walked pain free. At the time my friend spoke to this woman, her husband had been up and walking for several weeks.

Again, I have some thoughts about Hinn but I also have thoughts about this story. First, I cannot think of a reason why this women would make-up something like this to tell my friend. Second, and more importantly, I think this is the kind of thing my God would do.

Anyway, just a story that challenges my uninformed bias against Mr. Hinn as well as if God might use him regardless of whether or not he is a charlatan.

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