Friday, June 08, 2007


I like reading nakedpastor. His posts have beautiful art, they are thought provoking, and they are sometimes light and sometimes heavy - but I wonder if naked has read of this church recently divided over the word "naked", and if so, does he have any comment?
It is a controversy that has been brewing now for almost ten years at Piney Hills Baptist Church in Memphis. At various times during the year the subject comes up, and each time the division between the factions within the church only grows deeper. The whole issue surrounds the pronunciation of the word "naked."

On one side of the issue is the church's pastor, Paul Billingsley.

"The word is pronounced 'nay-ked' just like it's spelled" said Billingsley. "I have no idea why these people want to make such a big deal over how I say it."

But on the other side of the issue is the church's associate pastor, Jeff Cummings.

"I know that it's spelled 'n-a-k-e-d' but you say it like 'nekkid'" said Cummings. "That's just the way to say it. To say 'nay-ked' sounds so 'hoity-toity' and smarty."

Tominthebox has the complete story.

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  1. well, in my opinion Rick, a picture's worth a thousand words.
