Thursday, June 07, 2007

mature and equipped disciples

"The development of a church's leadership is a non-issue until the church determines how it plans to make mature and equipped believers out of new and immature believers." - Randy Pope, Perimeter Church

Pope continues ... a mature and equipped believer is someone who:

1) is living consistently under the control of the Holy Spirit, the direction of the Word of God, and the motivation of the love of Christ

2) has discovered, developed and is using their spiritual gifts

3) has learned to effectively share their faith, while demonstrating radical love that amazes those it touches

4) gives evidence of being a:
  • faithful member of God's church
  • an effective manager of life, relationships and resources
  • a willing minister to others including "the least of these"
  • an available messenger to non-Kingdom people
5) demonstrates a life characterized as
  • gospel driven
  • worship focused
  • morally pure
  • evangelistically bold
  • discipleship grounded
  • family faithful
  • socially responsible
This strikes me as being fairly thorough. Did he miss anything?

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