Thursday, June 28, 2007

new trinity?

I don't intend to copy his blog but Tominthebox is cracking me up these days ... Protestant church declares second trinity.

I wouldn't call them "our new trinity." Rather, we are just the first church to recognize their existence. They are Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, and John Piper. After praying about it, we decided to give all three men a phone call just to be nice and all. Since we will be worshiping them, it only seemed appropriate. The only one we were able to talk directly to was John Piper. When we told him the situation, he was pretty straightforward. His words were something like, "You are wrong. The bible tells us there is only one trinity." With Rick Warren, we were only able to get in touch with one of his associate pastors at Saddleback. He said that he was "about 60% sure" that Pastor Rick would not be comfortable with his deification. As for Joel Osteen, he was at the dentist's office. We did talk to one of his three secretaries. She said he would send us an e-mail about it. Later that day we did get an e-mail from Joel that reads, "I don't want to advise you on this. Just do whatever will give you your best life now." We're going ahead with it. This will really meet a lot of needs within the congregation at Grass Pines. We are pretty sure that both Osteen and Warren will come around to our way of thinking. Piper might be more difficult. If he rejects his deity, then we will switch to our backup: James Dobson.

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