Thursday, May 31, 2007

power for the poor

The latest Cutting Edge had a review of The Way In is the Way On . I like this excerpt from the book quoting John Wimber ... 51Pf1Mnxz7L. Ss500

One evening there was a meeting at our house ... and the power of God was being poured our on us and we didn't know what it all meant. To be honest, we didn't know what to do with this power. So we asked Juan Carlos Ortiz ... if he had some wisdom for us. ... finally he spoke: 'The Pentecostals have always had wonderful celebrations and glorious meetings. We have spent the power on our glorious meetings and celebrations. My advice to you is to use the outpouring of the Spirit in doing good for the poor. Spend the power of God on helping the poor.'

This wisdom really hit Carol and I both. And from the beginning we felt this reality. If we ever ignore the poor and needy, we're as good as dead as a people. We have our instructions. (And you know what? We've found that when we take care of the poor, we have some mighty fine celebrations, too!)

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1 comment:

  1. Nice to have you back, Rick. I sympathize with your new approach to blogging, and I think it's a wise decision. I'll appreciate reading your thoughts from time to time.
