Wednesday, April 04, 2007

theological change

Martin Downes nails it again with this analogy.
Have you ever been waiting at a train station, sat patiently at your seat, whilst next to you another train is likewise waiting to leave? And then, as the train starts to move, for a few seconds you are not sure if your train is the one moving or if it is the next train that is starting to pull off. The way to be sure is to look at the platform. The platform after all doesn't move.

So it is in an age of theological change when definitions and doctrines are in motion. Our ultimate authority here is Scripture. This is exactly where Paul directs Timothy as he seeks to be faithful in an age of impostors and deceivers (2 Tim. 3:10-17). This is the fixed point for doctrine.
Read the rest of his post here. He closes with this line from Al Mohler ... "The drama of the gospel has not changed, but the audience for evangelical theology has changed--and not for the better."

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