Wednesday, April 18, 2007

sober times for baptists

According to St. Louis Today, the Missouri Baptist Convention has toughened its alcohol policy for people who receive money from the organization to start new churches.

Individuals who help found new churches were already required to sign a statement agreeing to abide by the organization's policy on alcohol consumption. Some of the new language requires those who receive money from the convention to go a step further and "teach the strong Biblical warnings of the consumption of alcohol for all Christians."

I keep getting in deeper and deeper trouble. According to the Pyro guys I believe in a leaky canon because I speak in tongues and prophecy. Jerry Falwell just called me a heretic because I'm a Calvinist. And now I can't get money from the MBC because I drink alcohol. I sure hope no one finds out about my cigars.


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  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    At least they haven't got photographic evidence.... oh, wait.

    Gotta love the Vineyard - they'll take anyone. Even pinko lefties like me :)

  2. We used to have worship team parties at our guitarist, Joey's, house. He'd have a full bar available and enjoyed mixing drinks. Nobody every got drunk, but I found it always tested my liberal policy on stuff like that. Always reminded me that I have some old hangups I need to let go!

  3. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Don't forget that you can't be an SBC missionary because you speak in tongues AND you consume alcohol.

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