Saturday, April 28, 2007

my blogging days was over

And just like that, my blogging days was over. I had blogged for 1 year, 6 months, 13 days, and 6 hours.

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  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Just exactly what do you mean by this? Surley you would not leave your faithful sheep wandering in the desert (or in Germany). Tell us it isn't so!
    Calvin & Tammy

  2. Anonymous8:05 PM


    Very sad news Rick. Unless of course it's a joke. In which case it's not a very funny one.

    Either way - this would be a good time to thank you for challenging me deeply in many ways, and for saying nice things about my blog design :)

  3. Geoff. thanks - it is true ... and more, I'm also stopping my reading of other blogs. I think I have simply allowed this love to grow too big and it has replaced some other loves in my life.

    It seems that the right thing for now is to put this aside. I think I will miss it a lot and I will certainly miss reading blogs like yours. But I am looking forward to getting back into some old (and healthy) habits and developing some new ones.

  4. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Well, it's pretty hard to argue with logic like that. You'll be very missed.

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I'd like to know what's included in "some old (and healthy) habits".
    Randy (no blog)

  6. Anonymous7:57 AM

    From Argentina, Córdoba, I just say hello! My name is Mauricio Ianniello!! Good Luck!!

  7. Hi bro,

    God bless you in your new (or old) endeavours. We love you and we will now miss you even more. We will try to keep in touch in some old and "new" ways. God bless you again and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
    Tassos & Andrea

  8. Silly me thought you were just joking and here I find myself still waiting for your next entry... I am getting tired and will go home, too...

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Wow, over like that. This is sad news. I'm not quite sure what to think.

    Rick, I enjoyed reading all you had to share with us in the networld. I've been challenged by many things you've written, and have laughed at many of your humorous moments.

  10. Rick,

    I have been really missing your voice... I hoped this was just a joke...

    Hope all is well...

