Thursday, April 12, 2007

baptism not necessary

Johnny Mac is doing what he does best, expositing Scripture, today on the topic of whether or not baptism is necessary for salvation. The short answer, "no".
Perhaps the most convincing refutation of the view that baptism is necessary for salvation are those who were saved apart from baptism. The penitent woman (Luke 7:37-50), the paralytic man (Matthew 9:2), the publican (Luke 18:13-14), and the thief on the cross (Luke 23:39-43) all experienced forgiveness of sins apart from baptism. For that matter, we have no record of the apostles’ being baptized, yet Jesus pronounced them clean of their sins (John 15:3—note that the Word of God, not baptism, is what cleansed them).

The Bible also gives us an example of people who were saved before being baptized. In Acts 10:44-48, Cornelius and those with him were converted through Peter’s message. That they were saved before being baptized is evident from their reception of the Holy Spirit (v. 44) and the gifts of the Spirit (v. 46) before their baptism. Indeed, it is the fact that they had received the Holy Spirit (and hence were saved) that led Peter to baptize them (cf. v. 47).
I'd add that these folks probably didn't understand TULIP either. ;- )

I'll put off further comment since I'm hopeful that MacArthur will later post why baptism is right for believers. For now, you can reference baptism a la Nacho Libre or baptism a la Piper.

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  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Do you just look for ways to throw that in there?!

  2. yes i do but this time i was saying that you can actually be saved without knowing all that ... of course i wouldn't count on staying saved ...

    ;- )
