Friday, March 02, 2007

willard on the social gospel

David Fitch summarizes his take on Dallas Willard's presentation at T.A.C.T..

Dallas asserted that there are "3 Gospels Heard at the Present"

1.) YOUR SINS WILL BE FORGIVEN and you will be in heaven in the afterlife if you believed that Jesus suffered for your sins
2.) JESUS DIED TO LIBERATE THE OPPRESSED and you can stand with him in that battle.
3.) DO WHAT YOUR CHURCH SAYS and it will see to it you are received by God.

Dallas said compare these 3 gospels with the following:

4.) Put your confidence and trust in Jesus and live with him as his disciple now in the present Kingdom of God (Matt 6.33; Rom 8.1-14; Col 1.13; 3. 1-4; John 3.1-8).

He said "Salvation is participating now in the life which Jesus is now living on earth - Of course that involves forgiveness and heaven afterward and much more."

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1 comment:

  1. Interestingly #3 is very common and most do not even notice it!

    I have always taught (after I found grace) that we are but a small dot in the big picture God is doing... yet without that dot... and yours and every other brother and sister, there would be no picture... so as small as we are in the picture... we are needed to complete it.

    It took me a while to warm up to DW, and I may not agree on all points, but I agree with him on a a lot of things. I think he is a great bridge between emerging and modernistic views.

    I think we need to realise that #2 is first, then because of that we have #1... #3 reminds me of the verse that says that the Pharisee would travel over great land and sea to bring back on convert and make him twice as fit for hell as he was himself.... (if someone needs the Scripture it is in the BIBLE LOL!)

