Sunday, March 25, 2007

what is evangelism? revisted

While this post is not attempting to be exhaustive, I want to highlight some points that The Evangelism Coach brought to my attention. He has a five posts defining evangelism.

Part 1 gives us the PCUSA definition which I like a lot.
Joyfully sharing the good news of the sovereign love of God, and calling people to repentance, to personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, to active membership in the church, and to obedient service in the world.
Part 2 discusses the joy found in participating in our Creator's grand plan.
God pursued me, found me, awakened me, is transforming me, and renewing me. That's all His initiative and grace. The more I relish and delight in the grace of God, I find awakening in me a contagious joy and a deep thankfulness that propels me to share. I want other people to know about God’s sovereign love.

Part 3 discusses the balance of words and deeds. He includes links to other posts "warning" about too much focus in either direction.

Part 4 is my favorite because it is about God's sovereignty.

  1. God’s sovereign love pursues us before we ever know Him.
  2. God’s sovereign activity makes us aware of our need for the salvation he provides.
  3. God’s sovereign love provides the solution and enables us to receive that offer.
  4. God’s sovereign love continues to pursue us as we walk on the path of discipleship.
Since evangelism is a process that occurs over time, it’s the sovereignty of God that gives me comfort in the fact that I’m just one part of God’s pursuit. Every conversation I have is part of God’s process in the life of the person I share with. I might have the part of planting a seed, watering what someone else has sown, or harvesting what others of planted, watered, and sown. Whether with a stranger on the street, or a long term friend, any conversation prompted by the Holy Spirit is one conversation in the process of God’s work.
Part 5 expands on the basic definition of evangelism. Evangelism is calling people to:

  1. repentance
  2. personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
  3. active membership in the church
  4. obedient service in the world
This goes far beyond the typical practice of points 1 & 2.

The Coach then offers some additional definitions and other blog links.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting and summarizing the articles. I was looking for some more content to spur my thinking and I appreaciate the summary and link.

    Pastor Chris
