Monday, March 05, 2007

the trinity

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While some of you would argue, I believe I'm orthodox. In spite of that, I've often struggled with explaining the Trinity. I believe that God is One. Each of the persons within the Godhead is Deity. The oneness of God and the threeness of God are not contradictory. The Trinity is eternal. Each of the persons of God is of the same essence and is not inferior or superior to the others in essence. The Trinity is a mystery.

Here's a short paper by John Piper on the Trinity.

I read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis a long time ago but this excerpt just recently came to light for me as I looked for words to explain the Trinity. I hope you find them helpful as well.
God is a Being which contains three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube contains six squares while remaining one body. But as soon as I begin trying to explain how these Persons are connected, I have to use words which make it sound as if one of them was there before the others. The First Person is called the Father and the Second the Son. We say that the First begets or produces the Second; we call it begetting, not making, because what he produces is of the same kind as Himself. In that way the word Father is the only one to use. But unfortunately it suggests that He is there first--just as a human father exists before his son. But that is not so. There is no before and after about it... The Son exists because the Father exists: but there never was a time before the Father produced the Son.

We must think of the Son always, so to speak, streaming forth from the Father, like light from a lamp, or heat from a fire, or thoughts from a mind. He is the self-expression of the Father--what the Father has to say. And there never was a time when He was not saying it... All these pictures of light or heat are making it sound as if the Father and the Son are two things instead of two Persons. So that, after all, the New Testament picture of a Father and a Son turns out to be much more accurate than anything we try to substitute for it... Naturally God knows how to describe Himself much better than we know how to describe Him. He knows that Father and Son is more like the relation between the First and Second Persons than anything else we can think of. Much the most important thing to know is that it is a relation of love. The Father delights in His Son; the Son looks up to His Father...

The union between the Father and Son is such a live concrete thing that this union itself is a Person. I know this is almost inconceivable but look at it thus. You know that among human beings, when they get together in a family, or a club, or a trade union, people talk about the "spirit" of that family, or club, or trade union. They talk about its "spirit" because the individual members, when they are together, do really develop particular ways of talking and behaving, which they would not have if they were apart. It is as if a sort of communal personality came into existence. Of course, it is not a real person: it is only rather like a person. But that is just one of the difference between God and us. What grows out of the joint life of the Father and Son is a real Person, is in fact the Third of the three Persons who are God.

This third Person is called, in technical language, the Holy Ghost or the "spirit" of God. Do not be worried or surprised if you find it (or Him) rather vaguer or more shadowy in your mind than the other two... Perhaps some people might find it easier to begin with the third Person and work backward. God is love, and that love works through men--especially through the whole community of Christians. But this spirit of love is, from all eternity, a love going on between the Father and the Son.


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Hi Rick!
    It's Carrie!!!! I miss our discussions! I was hoping to just chat about what the Kingdom of God is? Sounds simple!! Love your Blog, you're keeping it real! Hope all is well. We seemed to have given up church for basketball for the moment, we live in Indiana where I think basketball is actually the state religion.
    Miss you guys!

  2. Go Hoosiers!!!

    I'm going back to Frankfurt next week with mixed feelings. I think being there will be hard. I really miss the place.
