Thursday, March 15, 2007

ivy loves the charismatic gifts

Robert Ivy loves the gifts of the Spirit. Why is he worked up about them? He got so fired up the predicted list of 12 reasons grew to 14 ...

  1. The Bible teaches that we are to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts (1 Cor 14:1)
  2. It makes the Bible, and therefore faith, come alive
  3. It is a sin to quench the Spirit (1 The 5:19)
  4. They enable me to better love my neighbor
  5. It enables me to more effectively share the gospel
  6. It is the primary way in which the church today is failing
  7. The continuation of the gifts makes sense in regard to logic
  8. The continuation of the gifts makes sense in regards to the nature of the Holy Spirit
  9. The charismatic gifts of the Spirit glorify God
  10. Both I, myself, and people who I know are in need of the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit at this time
  11. I believe the charismatic gifts must be sought to be received
  12. They enable the poor & uneducated to carry out the mission of the Gospel
  13. They edify me
  14. They open up incredible potential for knowledge of God and intimately walking with him
I like it.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks, as always, for the shoutout Rick. I hope it serves to spread the message and grow the kingdom!
