Tuesday, March 13, 2007

intentional worship

Nothing fancy ... just a simple piece about our call to intentional worship that encouraged me this morning as I awoke in the foreign land - Germany - once again.
The Bible teaches that long before Adam walked on the earth God determined the times and exact places where you would live (Acts 17:26). The Bible teaches that you were knit together with a specific, “intricate” design while you were still in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:14-16). You were not thrown together by chance circumstance. Sure, most of us know we are MADE, or manufactured, by God but do we really believe we were DESIGNED by God---designed not only with physical DNA that dictates our personality, appearance and talents, but a spiritual DNA as well—one that consists not only of a unique, spiritual gifting but a God-ordained, God-planned orchestration of every circumstance that has ever occurred in your life as well? It’s true. God designed you. Through His sovereignty, God appointed you to be born where you were born, to live where you live, to look the way you look, to have the opportunities you have, to possess the talents and gifts you have…and to be lacking in those you don’t have. Furthermore, he planned from the beginning of time for you to be where you are RIGHT NOW. And He has a path for you to follow once you’re finished reading this sentence.
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That same blog then included this summary of Godon MacDonald's What is Worship article. The definition of worship is:
Worship is happening when a person or a people take time to reflect upon and honor the nature and the actions of God by offering him praise, thanksgiving, confession, offerings, and a submissive heart and mind. This can be done through the medium of song, silent meditation, speech, sacramental activity, and other forms of artistic expression. Preaching may be a part of these functions, but not necessarily the most important part.
MacDonald also lists a number of outcomes that should be evident where true worship has taken place:

  • Worship should draw a sharp contrast between the kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Worship should focus on the living God and his revelation of himself as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • Worship should bring to our consciousness the acts and the character of God.
  • Worship should call the worshiper to repentance – a confession of sinfulness in contrast to God's righteousness and a resulting sense of forgiveness and restoration.
  • Worship should cause the worshiper to inventory his or her blessings in life and give thanks.
  • Worship should provide a chance for one to see his or her work in the perspective of the Kingdom and give from the profits of labor.
  • Worship should make the worshiper feel prayed for in terms of personal needs.
  • Worship should refine the perspective of people so they see and pray for world events in light of the Kingdom purposes of God.
  • Worship should offer encouragement and insight from the preached Word.
  • Worship should send people back into the "streets" of the world with a renewed sense of energy, confidence, and purpose.
Do you have any to add?

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