Thursday, February 08, 2007

what's the deal with democrats

I do not believe that the GOP is the party of God and I do not see George Bush as the messiah. On the other hand, I'm confused by Christian supporters of the Democratic party. I know and love some of them so this in not a nasty attitude thing, I'm simply confused. The party as a whole seems antagonistic to our faith (as opposed to the Republicans who are just screwed up).

The trigger this time was the news that Husham al-Husainy - an extremist who has a long record of support for prominent Islamists at war with America and Israel - led the invocation at the DNC winter meeting last week. These guys are waging a holy war against us and they are invited to lead us in prayer? And, Democrats whom presumably were Christians, joined in? In the old days we called that sin, syncretism, mingling worship of false gods with worship of the true God.

Perhaps the Dems would like to go the way of Canada where they are actually considering deportation of an ex-terrorist for speaking out against Islamic terrorism.

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  1. My sad sad home and native land...

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Wow, Rick. You are sounding like our friend David L.
